Relevant content to the people, crafted by broadcasters for broadcasters

Personalisation and Recommendation Ecosystem for the digital transformation
PEACH is flexible. Setup in a few days. Use what you need when you need it. Integrate it anywhere. Experiment with your data and iterate quickly.
Used in production by Broadcasters

PEACH is a solution that you own, understand and can control

Commercial products are not always a good fit for Public Service Media. They are devised to maximise clicks, possibly at the expense of diversity. Their business model does not suit us. Their opaque behaviour is often a concern.
Since we build the whole platform together, new requirements are our daily bread. Business rules to fit your business goals can easily be implemented and released in production in minutes. You don't have to wait for the next development cycle to implement new business rules that fit your goals.
20 M
Events per day
8 M
USERS per Month
150 M
3.2 M
ingested MEDIA Items

5 logical steps for integration of content recommendation

Store metadata and transcripts of your media. Collect users data from all major platforms using our simple SDK.
Explore and inspect raw data to determine quality and compute metrics. Understand consumer behaviour and define algorithms.
Compute, craft specific algorithms and create recommendation models. Automate the computation.
Deliver relevant content to users in real time using the recommendation models that you own and control.
Monitor and track accuracy, performance and diversity in dashboards. Evaluate recommendations visually before going to production.

Make decisions based
on data

Measure your user experience.
A/B testing lets you increase user engagement, reduce bounce rates, increase conversion rates, minimize risk, and effectively create content. Running an A/B test can have significant positive effects on your site or mobile app.

The collaborative approach

Public Broadcasters have teamed up around the EBU's PEACH project (Personalisation for EACH), a collaborative effort to co-develop the required services fitting their business needs.
We are passionate - The PEACH Community is a unique source of inspiration and experiences. Together, we brainstorm, experiment, design and deploy unique and compelling services to improve our digital platforms. We learn from each other and help each other to increase the value that we deliver to our audience restlessly.