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PeachIdentityProvider for Android

The Peach Identity Provider framework for Android provides simple functionalities to facilitate the single sign on process of a user and visualization of their profile.


The library is suitable for applications running on Android API 16 and above. The framework is built using the build tools version 29.0.2


1. Provide the gradle dependency

Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
  repositories {
    maven { url "" }

Add the dependency:

dependencies {
  implementation 'com.github.ebu:peach-identity-provider-android:1.0.0'


1. Configuration

In your app build.gradle file, add the following resources and adapt the values to your needs:

defaultConfig {  

  resValue "string", "identity_web_url", ""  
  resValue "string", "identity_webservice_url", ""  
  resValue "string", "account_type", "ch.ebu.peachidpdemo"  
  resValue "string", "identity_name", "Peach Identity Demo"  
  resValue "string", "identity_application_scheme_url", "peachidp-demo"  

identity_name will be the name of the account that will appear in the phone's account manager. identity_application_scheme_url should be configured as an authorized URL Scheme on the Identity Provider you will be linking to. This URL Scheme is used for the callback after a login action to trigger the result management.

2. Initialize the collector

In your main activity, provide the application to the IdentityProvider init function. After initialization, you can retrieve the shared instance with getInstance() method.

provider = IdentityProvider.init(this);

3. Listen to any profile update

Create a receiver to manage any update of the profile (login, logout, fields update...)

IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter();  
registerReceiver(receiver, filter);

4. Open the login web view

Intent intent = new Intent(this, MainActivity.class);  
PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);  
IdentityProvider.getInstance().startLogin(this, pendingIntent);  

5. Open the profile view

Intent intent = new Intent(this, UserProfileActivity.class);  

6. Token

Once a user has successfully logged in, a corresponding session token is available in the account manager.


7. Profile

Once a user has successfully logged in, a corresponding Profile object will be filled.

Profile profile = IdentityProvider.getInstance().getIdentityAccountProfile()

8. Logout

To logout the current user:


9. Advanced API calls

The framework provides methods to login and signup without using a WebView (using the webview is still the recommended process). When using those functions, on a successful login or sign up, the framework automatically starts the retrieval of the profile. Then, when the profile is retrieved, it will broadcast the usual intent (PEACH_PROFILE_UPDATED). When an error occurs during the login or the sign up, the same intent is broadcasted but will have extras. In case of a sign up error, the PEACH_ERROR extra value will be PEACH_ERROR_BAD_DATA and a PEACH_ERROR_DESCRIPTION extra will be available (a JSON describing the error). For a login error, the PEACH_ERROR extra value will be PEACH_ERROR_INCORRECT_LOGIN_OR_PASSWORD.


IdentityProvider.getInstance().signup("", "str0NgP@ssW0rd");


IdentityProvider.getInstance().login("", "str0NgP@ssW0rd");