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History Service demonstration page

User history

User history is a list of (unique) media that a user had seen/hear (i.e.: the user had at least clicked on the play of a player that plays that video/audio).

Updating a user's history

A user always update his history by sending information about the media he has watch or listen. Information are: - the user id - the media's id - the last play back position - the user device id - the application id

The history service is responsible of: - updating the history order and the playback position if the media already exists in his history. - creating a new item at the top of the history if the media does not exists in his history.

Getting the user history

The history service returns the user history with pagination's features. For each item, the API returns it last playback position.

Try it

In order to test the history service a demo page is available here:!/history

To test the demo, go to and create an account (login if you already have one). Then, each time you play one of the video available on the page it's added to your history. You history is displayed next to the available video. You can refresh it anytime clicking on refresh button.

Source code is available here